Brief : If you have installed Elementary OS 6 Odin, you should try the Pantheon Tweaks to customize it. This article details the steps to install Pantheon Tweaks in Elementary OS 6.
Elementary OS is a beautiful operating system in it’s own and everything works out of the box. It’s user interface is nice, clean and feature rich. If you check the most beautiful Linux distributions, Elementary OS is surely one of them. However, we Linux users are never satisfied. If you are like me, you would probably get bore of the things in a month and try to find ways to tweak it even further.
You can do this alone without the need of any application using dconf editors. However, for a beginner that might be too much and that’s where Pantheon Tweaks is useful.
Pantheon Tweaks is a fork of the famous elementary tweaks which was available for lower versions. It enables some of the settings directly from the System Settings which are usually hidden or require expert level knowledge of your system.
What can you do with Pantheon Tweaks?
Before we go through the installation steps, here are some of the things you can do with Pantheon Tweaks.
You can change themes, icons, cursors and sound. You can force the applications to use dark stylesheet even if they don’t support it.
Under Window Controls, you can change Layout to mimic Ubuntu, macOS, add minimize button to either left or right etc. You can hide the GNOME menu from here.
Font : It lets you select default font style and size along with documents font and titlebar font.
Animation : You can adjust animation length from here for opening and closing window, minimizing it, switching workspace etc.
Misc : Includes an option to increase max volume more than 100.
Files : Restore tabs and select date format.
Terminal : You can select default terminal background color, follow last tab for a new tab, show a warning while pasting a command if it contains sudo and remember tabs.
Videos : You can enable options to allow video playback to stay on top of other applications and stop auto play for videos.
If you think something is messed up, you can click on Reset to default to reset whatever changes you have made to your Elementary OS 6.
How to install Pantheon Tweaks in Elementary OS 6 Odin
You can install Pantheon tweaks in Elementary OS 6 from PPA using below commands.
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:philip.scott/pantheon-tweaks
sudo apt install -y pantheon-tweaks
If you see an error saying command not found, you would have to install another module before you can add repo and install Pantheon tweaks.
sudo apt install -y software-properties-common
You can access this settings by opening System Settings and under Tweaks. This is how it looks.

Wrapping Up
You can follow the steps mentioned above to install Pantheon Tweaks in Elementary OS 6. If you face any issues while installation, let me know in the comment section.
One thing to note is, this is only available for Odin release. If you are using an old version, you should consider installing Elementary Tweaks and not this one.