In this article, we are covering some Raspberry Pi Projects which you can take up.

Raspberry Pi are low cost, small single board computers usually dedicated to a single task. Raspberry Pi works in an open source environment and runs on Linux – mostly Raspbian. They can be used to learn programming, build Internet of Things, hardware projects and much more.
Lets see some of the Raspberry Pi projects which you can set up without much investment & time. The list is compiled from Raspberry project site and couple of other websites that has step by step tutorials.
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Weather Station
The Weather Station is a pet Raspberry Pi Projects to collect weather information and distribution developed and distributed by the Raspberry Pi in their original HAT toolkit. The main idea is to build a weather station that is capable of collecting local weather and environmental data. It can be availed as an assembled toolkit or made from scratch.

The weather station consists of sensors that are capable of measuring temperature, rainfall, air quality, wind speeds and other environmental information. It is run by the Oracle Pi Raspberry Weather Station software. It can also be connected by Wi-Fi and utilizes a Unix daemon approach and GPIO connections. The installation can also consist of HAT for long term solutions and withstanding weather conditions effortlessly.
The pricing of the Weather Station is relatively low and uses open-source code or easily available cheap materials such as breadboard and others for its construction. The step by step guide is also described in the toolkit.
The complete list of requirements and the step by step tutorials to build the weather station can be found on Raspberry Pi website.
Weather Station for Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi zero time-lapse camera
It is a zero time lapse wearable camera built using the Raspberry Pi Zero. The camera can be mounted on various types of wearable as the size of the Raspberry Pi is very small. The configuration of the regular camera is the main work in this project.

The camera can take a time-lapse photo from the wearable camera device with the simple execution of code. The code and the resolution of the photos can be set by the user to suit their needs and store it at a preferable location. The camera can be attached with a lighting system that can be modified preferentially. The wait time for the shots can be set to customise the experience of the user and shoot time-lapse pictures.
You can learn how to set up a Raspberry Pi Camera Module and take pictures automatically. You can control GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi Zero and set up a script to run on boot.
You will need a Raspberry Pi Zero with soldered on header, a Micro USB power pack, a Pi Camera and Pi Zero compatible camera cable.
The complete hardware & software requirements can be found on Raspberry Pi website with the step by step tutorial to build it.
Raspberry Pi zero time lapse camera
Raspberry Pi FM Transmitter
The homemade short distance FM transmitter that is intended for personal use or disseminating music over short distances. The Raspberry Pi FM transmitter should be operated with responsibility as it can interfere with the local frequency and the onus of the implications is on the user. Songs, personal opinions or it can also act as a personal radio station locally.
It requires a Wi-Fi connection, Microphone, Raspberry Pi and an operator to work. The SSCM is modified (that operates within the range of 1MHz to 250 MHz) to modulate the signals for the Pi to work as an FM transmitter. The signal would be transmitted through the GPIO pin 4 and simply attaching a maximum of 20cm wire to it would act as an antenna. Then a series of programming input is required for the transmitter to become functional.
CircuitDigest has a great step by step tutorial for Raspberry Pi FM Transmitter.
Raspberry Pi Network Monitoring Tools
The Raspberry Pi Network Monitoring Tools is aimed to monitor the activities of the website or the performance of the devices on the home network. The screening of the operation as well as the monitoring the devices without wasting critical space of the PC is offered with the help of this tool. The versatility of the tool can be utilised to build smart TVs or light-sensitive smart switches for proportional use.
The NagiosPi should be written in a spare SD card and configure the Raspberry pin for use. It consists of Nagios, Nconf, NagVis, PHPMyAdmin, RaspControl to operate the tool and the monitoring of the website performance or the device switch on or off state can be determined by the tool. The efficiency of the tool is on the in house solution of the monitoring tool.
More details on DroidFunk about Raspberry Pi Network Monitoring Tool.
The Chatbot aims to design a character that can talk back for a dynamic conversation. The Chatbot is also capable of being hosted for any questions and answers to being given by itself with the help of Scratch 3 being run offline or online. The Chatbot can be utilised as a helping hand or standalone services for simple conversation. It’s the easiest of the Raspberry Pi Projects lot.

The dynamic system of the Chatbot can be determined and designed by the user and adding personalized features helps enrich the system immensely. The design of the Chatbot can be made to be binary or variable based on the nature of the answers. The backdrop of the animated character can also be changed according to the wish of the user for simplicity. The features of the Chatbot helps to design the specifics to suit the purposed use of the chatbot.
It has a very minimal requirement of a computer running Scratch 3 and the software itself. You can read more about it on the official website.
Wrapping up
Have you tried any Raspberry Pi projects? If yes, feel free to share your experience with us. We intend to include more projects in this list.
These little computers excites me a lot and I shall be getting one soon to try.