Brief : In this article, we have picked up some of the best free steam games for Linux platform.

The only ever concern of using Linux was games. I have seen users dual boot Linux with Windows just to play their favourite games and. Better games were missing from the Linux platform and users have even tried Wine to set up games available exclusive to Windows.
In 2012, game developer Valve decided to release their Steam digital distribution service for Linux. A Steam Client for Linux further attracted developers towards the platform. Unity engine was ported the same year and in the following years Epic games and Crytek announced Linux support for their next generation engines – Unreal Engine and CryEngine.
Valve even released a Debian based Linux distribution SteamOS which can run games natively. SteamOS is primarily for playing games and lacks other features like file managers but entirely supports Nvidia, Intel and AMD graphics processors.
These all progress attracted a lots of Game developers. The current steam stores hosts a lot of games that can be played on Linux. In this article, we are discussing some of the free steam games for Linux.
Free steam games for Linux
Dota 2

Dota 2 is one of the best free steam game for Linux. It’s a strategic, multi player and free to play game played amongst two teams of five players each to defend their position in the map. Dota 2 was released way back in July 2013 to the world and is also often criticized for the steep learning curve but is liked by the professional players due to its rewarding game play. Valve also organises competitive events for the games where pro-e-sports players participate.
Dota 2 is available for both Linux and Windows. The two teams consist of 5 players each and have specialised characters called ‘heroes’ to defend and attack according to plan with an automatic matchmaking facility available. It has a cosmetic item store, Steam community item workshop and an added benefit of spectating live games and replays as well.
Dota 2 contains in-app purchases of the heroes and items from the workshops for added flair.
Counter-Strike Global Offensive

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a first-person multiplayer shooting game that has a cult-like following around the globe. It was developed jointly by Valve and Hidden Path Entertainment. The game is fourth in a series of similar games that were released on the OS X, Windows, Xbox 360 as well as PlayStation.
The Linux version of the game was released in 2012. It consists of two teams dubbed The Terrorists and The Counter-Terrorists that aims to simulate an action-packed adventure for the players with diffusing bombs, defending hostages and other scenarios.
The Global Offensive has nine modes of gameplay and pits two teams of five players in a match that typically lasts 45 minutes each to complete objectives for the players to advance. It contains matchmaking facilities, as well as ‘rushing’ techniques, are used by the players for storming the opponent’s grounds. The game has various weapons and utilities that must be purchased or collected overtime for added advantage.
The game has in-game purchases for exclusive weapons and utilities. Counter strike is probably the most played in the list of Free steam games for Linux.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
War Thunder

War Thunder is a multiplayer vehicular combat video game that is free to play. The game was developed by Gaijin Entertainment and is available cross platform. The background setting of the game is in the period spanning from the Spanish Civil War to the more recent Iraq war. It is centred specifically on the World War II from the perspective of planes, vehicles or warships that is controlled by the players.
The game has an arcade mode, realistic battles as well as customized battles that can be fought by the players depending on their choice. There are two teams with a maximum of 32 players each from various nations that have to perform the combat performance. It also consists of ‘leading marker’ that is supposed to aid the players aim at a moving target. The culmination of the game is to capture three strategic vantage points on the map. The game has in-app communication system and comparison of vehicular attributes.
The game has trophies that can be purchased by the players within the game.
Star Conflict

Star Conflict is another free steam games for Linux platform which brings space simulation action. It can be played in multiplayer online mode. The game was developed by TarGem Games and was published by Gaijin Entertainment with the core of the game revolving around PvP battles with spaceships, PvE and open-world missions that can be completed by the players to progress.
The spaceships within the game are controlled by the players that have various roles and played with the aim of developing abilities, perfecting tactics and establish specialized skills. The game has clans that can be joined by the players. The PvP mode has the directives that need to be fulfilled for winning and Mission against the enemy to halt the advancement of their expansion. The game also has the option of customization that is decided by the host and invites players to participate in the game.
Tank Force

The fun of the arcade games and the tank wars were combined to form the Tank Force. It’s a online simulator game with multiplayer settings that is hosted on the Steam platform. The players assume the role of the tank pilots for defeating the enemy tanks and defend the objectives for rewards and upgrades.
The tanks have various armaments for the players to choose from and also aim to assist for added advantage. The game provides the thrill of the arcade games and engages in a battle for reclaiming dominance over the opponents with strategy and skill. There are various battle modes to choose from with 42 wheeled or crawler tanks. The landscape of the wars is from different geographical locations and a team can lead up to 10 tanks at a time.
The game also gives rewards for the development of the community.
Wrapping Up
There is a huge collection of games available in Steam Store for Linux. Only some of them are free though but Steam keeps giving huge discounts and offers for games every now and then.
As a Linux user, which game hooks you for hours? Let us know in the comments!
Paul lee
I like adventure capitalist. 😛