The article covers ways to install Neofetch in Ubuntu and other Linux distributions.

Neofetch is a command line system information tool which supports almost all operating systems. It displays the system information in the terminal along side the operating system’s logo.

Neofetch displays which Linux distribution you are using, Host and Kernel details, desktop environment. On the hardware side, it displays information about the CPU and GPU, total memory available by current usage and the uptime for your machine.

It also displays number of dpkg and snap packages installed.

Install Neofetch in Ubuntu / Linux

Neofetch is available in official repository for all the major Linux distributions. Fire up a terminal for whichever Linux distribution you are using and use these terminal commands accordingly.

Arch Linux

pacman -S neofetch

Debian / Ubuntu

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install neofetch


sudo dnf install neofetch


sudo zypper install neofetch

Red Hat / CentOS

sudo yum install neofetch

In case you want to use the latest of neofetch in Ubuntu or other distribution, you can compile it from the source

git clone
cd neofetch
make install

Here’s how Neofetch output looks like in terminal.

install Neofetch in Ubuntu

It also displays the themes and icons details along with Windows manager and it’s theme.

You can easily format the output you see. To see different options, you can use help option in the terminal

neofetch --help

Every display line has config option and you can enable / disable it as you wish. There are options to change the display color and text formatting, modify the ascii logo and size etc. Some examples are below.

To change the color for ascii art –

neofetch --ascii_colors <xterm color number> 

xterm color number ranges between 0-255. It converted everything to a single color, however you can use –colors to configure it better.

install Neofetch in Ubuntu

Wrapping up

In Linux world, Neofetch is mostly used to boast about one’s system resources. The displayed information is easily available with other terminal commands or through GUI, but it’s really handy to check what kernel and OS you are using.

Though our comment system do not (yet) support images, feel free to post the output of your Neofetch! Everyone’s interested in what you use unless you are an Arch Linux user 😉

If you are looking for ways to customize Ubuntu, these GNOME shell extensions will help!