Manjaro team has announced the latest stable release  Manjaro Lysia 20.0 in a blog post and the different flavors are available to download from the official website.

Manjaro is an Arch based Linux distribution but more user friendly than Arch Linux. It maintains the same Arch base but comes with a GUI installer, a package manager, desktop environment and handful of other useful software.

Arch is suited more to the experienced Linux users who knows what they are doing. It tends to be faster and lightweight with less bloats as you set up most of things yourself. In addition, it has a wonderful community and a very well documented wiki.

Manjaro delivers all the benefits of Arch Linux but in a more user-friendly way! It packs up kernel 5.6 and the latest of GNOME 3.36.2. Wine 5.7 is preinstalled and KDE Apps are updated to the latest version 20.04.0.

It follows a rolling release development model and supports the Arch User Repository (AUR).

Recommended System Requirements

  • 1GB RAM
  • 3GB Disk Space
  • 1GHZ processor

Please note that this is recommended system requirements. Manjaro can work in lower system specs but may not be that smooth!

Manjaro 20.0 comes in 4 flavors – XFCE, KDE Plasma, GNOME and Command Line installer called Manjaro Architect that lets you choose the default options for almost everything.

Manjaro-Architect offers total customization where you can choose which kernel to use, testing branch and a desktop environment (or install without it), default shell, graphics drivers and other extra packages.

There are other Community maintained edition like Cinnamon, Mate, Manjaro Budgie, LXDE etc. which are also available to download.

Manjaro 20.0 Lysia – Features

XFCE edition is the most popular one among Manjaro users. The latest release offers XFCE 4.14 and a new theme called Matcha. A new feature called Display-Profiles allows to store multiple profiles of your display configurations.

KDE edition comes with Plasma 5.18 and a redesigned experience. It offers Breath2-themes with light and dark versions with many other customization options. It also includes the latest of KDE Apps 20.04 but is a bit heavier in specs compared to xfce!

GNOME edition packs up the latest GNOME 3.36 release and a new extension app to manager GNOME shell extensions. GDM has been updated and the default shell is updated to zsh now.

Pamac is updated and can be used to install flatpaks and snaps through UI and command line.

Download Manjaro 20.0 Lysia

You can download the various flavors from the official repo.

If you are already using al older release of Manjaro, you can update it to the latest using pacman.

sudo pacman -Syu

Wrapping up

Well, that’s the second big thing this week after Ubuntu 20.04 release.

Do you use Manjaro Linux and already updated to Manjaro 20.0 Lysia? We would love to hear your experience in the comment section.